GNX Bulktainer 820 / Additional Choice

As is common knowledge, standard 1000 litre IBCs when stuffed in a standard shipping container (20 ft. FCL) fit only 18 IBCs. 10 IBCs (1000 litres) are placed on the floor of container (hence forming the bottom layer) and another 8 are stuffed / stacked on the top. Only 8 IBCs can be fitted on the top layer as the height of the shipping container door does not permit accommodation of last 2 Nos. 1000 litre IBCs. 18 Nos. 1000 litre IBCs thus accommodate 18 mts (s.g = 1). In order to allow optimum use of the shipping container, GNX® 820 litre capacity can be used additionally as the GNX® 820 IBC has a lesser height, the same can be stuffed as the last 2 IBCs on the top, enabling shipping of another 1.64 mts. (see fig - 2) Thus 18 Nos. of GNX® 1000 and 2 Nos. GNX® 820 can move 19.64 mts. Quantity in tonnage can vary depending on the specific gravity (s.g).